Case Example: Redeveloping a New Hospital Employee Orientation Program
The Hospital is a large, community hospital with a strong culture of patient centred care. The values of the organization include respecting and hearing the patient, family and caregiver (PFC) voice. As a result, the hospital works with PFC partners in a number of ways in their work.
The hospital has identified a need to revise their current new staff training program to better reflect their values. They brought together a working group of three patient partners and three staff members to re-develop the training program over a 6-week period. Now that the work is complete, they would like to evaluate the impact of engaging PFC partners in this project.
Step 1: Preparing for Evaluation
Using the information in the first module, the Hospital determined they were ready for evaluation. They acknowledged the following: ​
The goal of the activity is to redesign the current staff training program to better reflect the values of the organization, specifically the culture of patient-centred care, to ensure that staff can embody these values from the outset of their employment with the organization.
The work was coordinated by the hospital leadership and included individuals from Human Resources, leadership teams and patient, family and caregiver partners. The audience for the work is newly hired hospital employees.
Patient, family and caregiver partners were engaged as key members of the team that redeveloped the training program. They were involved in all activities, from the outset.
The anticipated outcomes of this work is the development of a training program for new employees that will provide a strong background in patient-centred care, changing the way that staff approach their work and their interactions with patients and their loved ones.
Identification of Key Stakeholders and Evaluation Goal
The hospital identified the key stakeholders for the evaluation as hospital leadership, patient, family and caregiver partners and other hospitals who may want to learn from their work.
The goal for the evaluation was identified. The goal was to determine the overall impact of the new hospital training program on hospital staff, patients, families and caregivers; and, to identify the impact of having patient, family and caregiver partners engaged on the training program itself.
Step 2: Tailoring the Evaluation

Using the worksheet in Step 2 a logic model is developed for the redevelopment of the hospital training program.